Clinical Geriatrics - Original Investigations
Published: 2018-12-15

Prostatic inflammation is associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia rather than prostate cancer

Urology and Renal Transplantation Unit, Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences, University of Foggia, Italy
Urology and Renal Transplantation Unit, Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences, University of Foggia, Italy
Urology and Renal Transplantation Unit, Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences, University of Foggia, Italy
Department of Urology, Institut Montsouris, Paris, France
Section of Pathological Anatomy; Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Foggia, Italy
Urology and Renal Transplantation Unit, Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences, University of Foggia, Italy
IRANI score Prostatic inflammation Benign prostatic hyperplasia Prostate cancer


Background and aims. The relationship between prostatic inflammation, benign prostatic hyperplasia and
prostate cancer is controversial. The present study aimed to determine the relationship between grade and
aggressiveness of prostatic inflammation and the risk of being diagnosed with prostate cancer.
Methods. Grade and aggressiveness of prostatic inflammation were assessed by Irani G and A scores, respectively, in prostate biopsy specimens of men having undergone this procedure because of increased serum PSA and/or digital rectal examination. We also assessed the correlation between Irani G and A scores and clinical variables related to benign prostatic obstruction.
Results. Of the 1178 eligible patients, 615 (52.2%) were diagnosed with PCa; they were older, had greater
PSA, suspicious digital rectal examination and peak flow rate but lower post-void residual urine volume, prostate
volume and international prostate symptoms score than those without cancer. High-grade inflammation
(Irani G 2-3) was significantly more common in patients with benign prostate than in those with PCa and the
same applied to highly aggressive inflammation (Irani A 2-3). Indeed, patients with high-grade inflammation
had greater PSA, prostate volume, post-void residual and international prostate symptoms score, suggesting
high-grade inflammation to correlate with benign prostatic obstruction. Highly-aggressive inflammation conversely correlated only with prostate volume.
Conclusions. Prostatic inflammation seems to be associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia rather than
prostate cancer, with benign prostatic obstruction being strictly linked to the degree of inflammation.


U. Falagario

Urology and Renal Transplantation Unit, Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences, University of Foggia, Italy

O. Selvaggio

Urology and Renal Transplantation Unit, Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences, University of Foggia, Italy

G. Carrieri

Urology and Renal Transplantation Unit, Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences, University of Foggia, Italy

E. Barret

Department of Urology, Institut Montsouris, Paris, France

F. Sanguedolce

Section of Pathological Anatomy; Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Foggia, Italy

L. Cormio

Urology and Renal Transplantation Unit, Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences, University of Foggia, Italy


© Società Italiana di Gerontologia e Geriatria (SIGG) , 2018

How to Cite

Falagario, U., Selvaggio, O., Carrieri, G., Barret, E., Sanguedolce, F. and Cormio, L. 2018. Prostatic inflammation is associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia rather than prostate cancer. JOURNAL OF GERONTOLOGY AND GERIATRICS. 66, 4 (Dec. 2018), 178-182.
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